With these kind of statistics is it any wonder Australian Businesses face challenges with reporting misconduct, bullying and inappropriate activities in the workplace?

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– The average cost of each Fraud case in Australia is approx. $1.4 Million
– The annual cost for workplace bullying in Australia is $14.8 Billion
– 53% of employees don’t believe any action will be taken
– 49% of all misconduct reported is by employees


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So how can a business provide a confidential Whistleblower service as part of its risk prevention strategy? We are glad you asked!

Check out the Whistleblower Hotline Brochure to find out how your business can implement a service that can provide you with:

– Access to a confidential Australian based call centre 24/7, 365 days per year
– Access to experienced professionals who have more than 26 years’ experience
– Access to different levels of service determined by your business requirements
– Show you how you can implement the service in 5 easy steps
– Provide a 4 Step reporting process which will have your issue reporters responded to in 24 hours